CDRM is a WFEO standing technical committee dedicated entirely to disaster risk management. CDRM mobilizes and coordinates a network composed of engineers linked to the public, private and academic sectors from different parts of the world.
The CDRM shall support the WFEO and the engineering profession worldwide by encouraging and supporting sustainable engineering approaches that reduce disaster risk. The CDRM focuses on contributing to the implementation of prevention and reduction measures upon the effects of disasters, implementation of the global disaster risk reduction initiative, Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.
CDRM executes its mandate through its headquarters in the Peruvian Engineers Association (CIP) based in Lima (Peru) for a term of four years, 2018-2021. https://www.wfeo.org/
The Committee on Disaster Risk Management (CDRM) was established at the WFEO General Assembly held in December 2009, Kuwait, having as role minimizing the potential damage and risk to human life and damage through the proper application of technology.
The CDRM was hosted by the Science Council of Japan (SCJ) and the Japan Federation of Engineering Societies (JFES) for a period of eight years.
The committee has been chaired by Dr. Yumio Ishii (2009-2013) and Dr. Toshimitsu Komatsu (2014-2017). The third president of the CDRM for the 2018-2021 period is Dr. Jorge Alva Hurtado.
As a standing committee of WFEO, the CDRM aims to promote the culture of disaster risk management through the dissemination of applicable knowledge and best engineering practices.
To promote research and exchange of experiences in DRM at local, regional and global levels.
Visio 2018-2021
To be a permanent international platform for support on Disaster Risk Management (DRM), through which knowledge and sustainable practices are integrated and disseminated to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience of populations.
Strategic Framework
The Strategic Framework sets directions by outlining operating principles, objectives, expected results, results indicators, outputs and main activities to achieve its vision for the next four years. The Plan will be updated annually based on the progress made and to respond to changes in the environment
The CDRM coordinates international engineering efforts in disaster risk management through three subcommittees: Water and climate-related Disaster Risk Management (WCDRM), Earthquake and tsunami-related Disaster Risk Management (ETDRM), and Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM), in order to deal with related types of disasters.
The so-called natural disasters have caused more than seven trillion US dollars in economic damage and eight million deaths, since the start of the 20th century. Earthquakes, storms, volcanic eruptions, landslides and floods of diverse origin have hit humankind and its development infrastructure. Within this framework, engineering appears as a key set of disciplines using updated scientific knowledge to address the risk that such natural phenomena could become disastrous events.